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Careers in Focus: Aaron Jones

The Greater Phoenix Chamber Foundation is featuring Aaron Jones, who serves as the Chandler Police Department’s Software Developer, and Cybersecurity Analyst as well as the Program Chair of the Cybersecurity Track at the University of Advanced Technology. He has also been the recipient of recognition from the El Paso Police Department, State of Texas, Texas Military Forces, and Chandler Police Department. Below, Aaron shares how his passion for computers led him to a career in Cybersecurity and meaningful advice to those who are considering a similar career.

As a child, Aaron discovered his passion for computers when he began setting up printers and assisting with configuration issues for Windows systems for small businesses. He also had a passion for helping others and improving the community, which led him to pursue a career in law enforcement and education. After realizing his passions and graduating high school, Aaron joined the Texas State Guard and was deployed on Operation Border Star where he began working on systems such as license plate readers and records management systems. During this time, he pursued his education at Park University where he earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology as well as a Master’s Degree in Intelligence Analysis with a focus on cybersecurity. Aaron then began speaking publicly about the importance of cybersecurity issues and was invited to begin teaching cybersecurity.

As a software developer, educator, public speaker, and an AZ POST certified General Instructor, Aaron enjoys meeting new people and interacting with the community in his roles. He typically spends his day working on software, developing educational material, assisting law enforcement, and getting the opportunity to help someone with their career or with an important event in their life.

Aaron values being able to positively impact his community and how his current work allows him to help others. He appreciates that he can write software, protect his community, and work with students to help them improve their lives while increasing the prosperity of Arizona at the same time.

Q: What advice do you have for people who may be interested in a similar career?

A: I have three pieces of advice for those who are interested in a similar career.

  1. Continuous education and a desire to learn are the foundation that will build a career in this industry. Striving every day to learn something new and improve your skills keeps you marketable and more secure as you better understand the daily challenges in how systems operate and the necessary tools.
  2. Understand that you should never focus on a single tool or piece of software at the detriment of staying current because the day will come that the tool will become obsolete, and you want to be capable of moving to another job or position as necessary.
  3. Allow yourself to be overwhelmed and don’t think you must rush and sacrifice your health or well-being. Cybersecurity is a wide and deep course of material, and you will have plenty of time to explore and learn. Take time to yourself every once in a while and stay positive.

Q: Why is it important that the Greater Phoenix Chamber Foundation continue to prepare Arizonans to successfully enter our workforce?

A: I believe the Greater Phoenix Chamber Foundation has been a tremendous asset to the citizens of Arizona. By sitting in on meetings, I have had an incredible opportunity to see the work and mission of the Foundation. I believe the Foundation and the work they do as liaisons between men and women pursuing jobs and the businesses looking to fill positions is a herculean task that requires a very special mix of skills to support. The efforts of the individuals at the Greater Phoenix Chamber Foundation are invaluable and the work they are doing benefits not only Arizona but the country as well.